Frequent Allelic loss at specific chromosomal locations in a given tumor type has been taken as the evidence for the presence of tumour suppressor genes at these loci. For the reason, DNA prepared from tumors and normal leukocytes obtained from 27 esophageal carcinoma patients were examined with the method of RFLP analyses using 12 probes mapping to 6 different chromosomes. Loss of heterozygosity in tumours has been detected in 6 of 10 informative cases (60%) on chromosome 3pter-q21, in 1 of 6 cases (17%) on 9q12-ql3, and in 4 of 8 cases (50%) on 9q11-q22. The chromosomes were probed with B67, DR47 and pAS-1, respectively. The results suggest that loss of genetic materials from chromosomes 3 and 9q may play an important role in the initiation and/or progression of esophagealcarcinomas.
Frequent Allelic loss at specific chromosomal locations in a given tumor type has been taken as the evidence for the presence of tumour suppressor genes at these loci. For the reason, DNA prepared from tumors and normal leukocytes obtained from 27 esophageal carcinoma patients were examined with the Loss of heterozygosity in tumours has been detected in 6 of 10 informative cases (60%) on chromosome 3pter-q21, in 1 of 6 cases (17%) on 9q12-ql3 , and in 4 of 8 cases (50%) on 9q11-q22. The chromosomes were probed with B67, DR47 and pAS-1, respectively. The results suggest that loss of genetic materials from chromosomes 3 and 9q may play an important role in The initiation and/or progression of esophagealcarcinomas.