A bilateral cyano molecule serving as an effective additive enables high-efficiency and stable perov

来源 :能源化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dabingjiajia
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The existence of defects in perovskite films is a major obstacle that prevents perovskite solar cells(PSCs)from high efficiency and long-term stability.A variety of additives have been introduced into perovskite films for reducing the number of defects.Lewis base-based additive engineering has been considered as an effective way to eliminate defects,especially the defects caused by the uncoordinated Pb2+.In this work,for the first time,a bilateral cyano molecule(succinonitrile,SN)which is a commonly used plasti-cizer in solid electrolyte of solid-state lithium batteries was selected as an additive to modify organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite films in PSCs.SN is featured with two cyano groups(-C≡N)distributing at both terminals of the carbon chain,providing two cross-linking points to interact with perovskites crys-tals via coordinating with uncoordinated Pb2+and forming hydrogen bonds with-NH2 groups in per-ovskite.It was found that the addition of SN into perovskite precursor solution could effectively reduce defects,particularly inhibit the appearance of Pb0 and thus suppress trap-assisted nonradiative charge carrier recombination.As a result,the efficiency of CH3NH3PbI3(Cl)(MAPbI3(Cl))-based PSCs was improved from 18.4%to 20.3%with enhanced long-term stability at N2 and humid air atmosphere.This work provides a facile and effective strategy to enhance the PCE and stability of PSCs simultaneously,facilitating the commercialization of PSCs.
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