短信(short message),以移动电话为载体,凭借浓缩的内容、灵活的形式、精粹的文字、快捷的速度,成为电子时代应用最为广泛的传递信息的形式,受到各方人士的青睐。据信息产业部统计,2004年全国移动电话用户达到3.34824亿户,手机短信业务量达到2177.6亿条。以每条0.1元计算,一年收入超过217亿元。这一组数字,是我国有史以来,任何时代也难以企及的信息传递高峰。把短信写好,从
Short messages, using mobile phones as their carrier, have become the most widely used form of information transmission in the electronic age with concentrated content, flexible forms, precise texts and fast speed, and are favored by all parties. According to statistics from the Ministry of Information Industry, in 2004, the number of mobile phone users in the country reached 330.484 million and the number of mobile phone text messages reached 217.76 billion. Calculated at 0.1 yuan per piece, the annual income is over 21.7 billion yuan. This set of figures is the peak of information transmission that has never been possible in any time in our history. Write text messages from