World Expo Highlights Cultural Exchanges

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  The world expo Shanghai 2010 is a huge platform for global cultural exchanges. For six months, hundreds of exhibitors interact with millions of visitors. Though the global event was the child of industrialization and has kept changing its contents and form, culture has been a constant hallmark of this international gathering. This is easy to understand: high-tech is always a means to an end at the world expo. Culture is the substance, for culture is universal and its diversity is universal, too. Culture points to the future of human civilization.
  The 5.28-square-kilometer site of the World Expo Shanghai 2010 is home to than 200 pavilions of countries, cities and organizations. For these exhibitors, the World Expo is a great opportunity to promote their distinct cultures. Altogether more than 20,000 events are scheduled to take place through the six-month event. National pavilions take turns in holding a national pavilion day. Cultural artifacts and artists from all over the world come to the expo and celebrate their distinct cultures. Hundreds of precious world-class artifacts are on display in the world expo 2010.
  The France Pavilion displays seven national treasures as well as its national symbols such as fashion, perfume, luxuries and ancient French architecture. The Golden Lady in front of Luxemburg attracts a lot of attention. The Mermaid from Denmark reminds people of Anderson’s fairytales. In Czech Pavilion, you can hear the Fourth Movement of the Ninth Symphony by Antonin Dvorák. When you hear the melody of the “Waves of Danube”, you know the Romania Pavilion is in the vicinity. At Poland Pavilion you see walls covered with paper-cutting artifacts and hear the melodies of Chopin. Austria Pavilion hosts small concerts in honor of various musical genres and styles.
  A survey indicates that more than 70% of Chinese visitors took great interest in diverse cultures. Music and dance are quite popular in the expo garden, for they transcend language and national boundaries and touch the hearts of people.
  On May 10, 2010, more than 500 artists from 23 European nations jointly staged a parade through the expo garden to mark the European Day. The parade attracted huge crowds. At three o’clock in the afternoon, the procession reached a place near the European Union Pavilion. More than ten thousands of spectators soon gathered along the thoroughfare, cheering and clapping their hands. Some visitors even jumped in the procession and danced and sang with European artists.
  The World Expo Shanghai is also a great opportunity for China to promote and explain its culture and history to the world. Cultural events and activities at the expo garden play the most important part in accomplishing this task.
  “Riverside Scene on the Qingming Festival”, a classical painting by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), is made into an animation at China Pavilion. An 832-m2 digital screen on the wall in China Pavilion shows 1,068 residents in the painting. They move and they do things just as they are in the painting.
  Artists from Zhejiang are quite active in events of cultural exchanges. Zhejiang Week was an event at the World Expo starting on June 18. During the week, Zhejiang Pavilion received 15,000 visitors. And artists from Zhejiang staged more than 40 shows during the five-day event. Craftsmen demonstrated their arts of making artifacts. These shows give audiences an opportunity to see the wonders of the provincial folk arts and crafts and cultural traditions and heritages. Zhejiang artists also staged a parade through the expo garden. Their imagination and performance wowed visitors.
  The world expo is also a platform for people from all over the world to meet. Youth Week kicked off on July 5th. About 2,000 students from 30 plus prestigious universities celebrated the world expo at an evening gathering. In soft breeze, student musicians and dancers staged their shows, portraying distinctive cultures of the regions and countries where they came from. At the opening ceremony of the Youth Week at the expo, the student choir of Yale University chanted with the audience a slogan in Chinese: Youthful World Expo, Force of the Future.
  The World Expo in Shanghai is a gathering of humans who explore all possibilities for their children.
  Xu Jiang, president of Hangzhou-based China Academy of Art and producer for Urban Life Pavilion of the World Expo Shanghai 2010, comments that more and more high tech applications to art mean progress of art itself. In his eye, the World Expo is a test ground for brand-new visual arts. In the modern world, arts are closely associated with advanced technology. □
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连绵起伏的括苍山,伸开温存宽大的臂膀,环抱着临海这座美丽、古老而新兴的城市。  临海市的科普创作在国内颇有知名度。  2010年3月26日,中国科普作家协会批准浙江临海建立“中国科普创作实验基地”,并于5月21日在临海市举行授牌仪式。  这是全国第一个科普创作实验基地。    薪火传承科普业  走进作家艺术沙龙,迎面而来的是一位帅气十足、身材魁梧的“标准国男”,脸庞清秀,目光炯炯。有人戏称他“是个
硬骨头贺绿汀  贺绿汀是“文革”中上海第一个被点名批判的“反革命”。他的罪名中有这样一条:贺绿汀曾用“山谷”的笔名写过文章。姚文元等人抓住这点,说黄庭坚曾遭贬谪。贬谪,就是罢官,这就跟《海瑞罢官》遥相呼应。于是,贺绿汀跟彭德怀、吴晗早就站在一起了。  被定为反革命的贺绿汀不死、不逃、不媚、不降,在红卫兵批斗他的会上,吼出了不屈的声音:“我是不会屈服的!”  在上海莘庄举行的一次“工农兵批斗会”上,
初春,北京石景山区大街上华灯高照,一辆红色小轿车夹在滚滚车流中向公主坟方向驶去。轿车通过卫兵的检查,停在中央电视台半圆形广场上。接着,一位身材修长的女子走下汽车,轻盈地进入CCTV彩电中心。她就是应邀来中央电视台“艺术人生”节目作嘉宾的著名影视演员何晴。  装饰华丽的CCTV演播大厅内各种灯具闪烁着不同的色彩,大厅一侧早已坐满了许多特邀观众。当节目主持人朱军开始采访后,何晴便向广大观众讲述了自己经
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京剧是中华民族的国粹,而司鼓则是京剧表演中伴奏乐队的灵魂和指挥。作为一名司鼓,需要多方面的素养,不仅要技高一筹,熟练掌握打击乐器的技巧,而且需要非常丰富的舞台经验,了解生旦净末丑各类角色以及各种曲牌、唱腔和剧目。杭州有一位人称“小辫子”的司鼓泰斗,自从14岁登台司鼓,迄今已经整整80寒暑,他就是94岁高龄的梁少垣先生。    “小辫子”的家学渊源  梁少垣出生于北京的一个梨园世家,外祖父是晚清著名
“越剧王子”赵志刚落户杭州  担任杭州市戏剧家协会主席  赵志刚,越剧版《暗恋桃花源》里的那个“陶老板”,当年凭一部越剧电视剧《沙漠王子》家喻户晓的那个“越剧王子”,几天前还是上海越剧院的副院长,几天后却已是杭州市文联的一员——2010年8月9日杭州市戏剧家协会第八次代表大会上,赵志刚当选为戏剧家协会的新一届主席,并成为杭州市的又一位引进的文化名人。  在赵志刚辞去上海越剧院副院长职务之初,就有人
灯光闪烁,烟雾缭绕,如梦如幻的舞台上,一名妙龄女子身着彩衣,从半空飘然而下。只见她移步转形,身上的彩衣也奇迹般地变幻出一套又一套;随着她双手上下翻动,一只蝴蝶翩然飞出,仔细一看,才发现是朵朵鲜花飘落地。此时,台下的观众紧盯演员的双手,一个个张大了嘴巴,几名老外情不自禁地竖起了大拇指……  这是大型魔术情景剧《凤舞钱塘》演出时的一个场景。作为2008年中国杭州西湖国际博览会闭幕式文艺晚会的压轴戏,这
普普通通的火柴伴随着人们生活了几百年,随着社会的进步,如今火柴已渐渐被打火机所代替。但是谁也没有想到,即将走进博物馆的火柴,在辽宁省沈阳市方振生的手里,却变成了形态各异、惟妙惟肖的工艺品,登上了大雅之堂。这些火柴工艺品不仅走进了寻常百姓家,他创作的“回归亭”还被辽宁省博物馆收藏,“鲤鱼跳龙门”获得“大世界吉尼斯”之最,并被其永久保存。    用火柴杆“插”装出亭台楼阁    现年58岁的方振生当过
July 16th, 2010 witnessed the grand opening of the Sixth World Choir Games in Shaoxing. The ceremony was held at the International Conference and Exhibition Center of China Textile City at Keqiao, Sha