一、病史摘要 患者男,23岁,学员。1976年10月3日开始发热,体温38.4~39.7℃,伴有头痛,腰痛,呕吐、不思饮食,学校保健科初诊为感冒,经治疗高烧不退,病情加重。10月8日以泌尿道感染住入医院,后检查确诊为流行性出血热。入院时体温39.1℃,脉搏120,血压90/80,神智清,球结膜轻度水肿,充血,咽部充血,两腋下可见出血点,两肾区有叩击痛,白细胞总数11000,尿蛋白++,病程第8天出现少尿期,24小时最少尿量100毫升,历时3天后进入多尿期。最后痊愈出院。
First, history Abstract Male patient, 23 years old, trainee. October 3, 1976 began fever, body temperature 38.4 ~ 39.7 ℃, accompanied by headache, back pain, vomiting, do not think diet, the school health clinic was diagnosed with cold, high fever after treatment, exacerbations. October 8 to urinary tract infection admitted to the hospital, after the diagnosis confirmed as epidemic hemorrhagic fever. Admission temperature 39.1 ℃, pulse 120, blood pressure 90/80, clear mind, conjunctival mild edema, congestion, throat congestion, two armpits showed bleeding, two perimenal area percussion pain, the total number of white blood cells 11000, urinary protein ++, duration of oliguria on the 8th day, a minimum of 24 hours urine output of 100 ml, which lasted 3 days after entering the polyuria. Finally cured and discharged.