Our factory has been exploring group technology since 1979. It has been nearly six years. This process can be broadly divided into the first three years and the last three years. The first three years are preparations. The main content is to collect and learn relevant materials and promote group technology and parts statistics. The last three years are the implementation phase. The content is to develop the factory part code system, establish the unit, and develop the group process and tooling. Over the years, this work has been carried out under the direct guidance of the chief engineer with the support of the factory leaders. Although every time I encountered further difficulties and twists and turns. However, it has finally come to an end. The reason for this is that group technology, even primary group technology, can also bring sweetness and hope to the company. Our factory is a multi-variety and small-batch production enterprise affiliated to China Textile Machinery Industry Corporation. It produces about 100 kinds of products all year round, and develops new products at a rate of six to seven kinds per year. This situation is traditional