1965年5月,周恩来总理、陈毅元帅和夫人张茜同志一行数人访问巴基斯坦后,途经新疆,视察兵团农垦事业的发展,曾经来到我们连队。 5月18日清晨,我正在写一份总结,电话铃响了,团政委告诉我:今天中央首长和兵团首长到你们那里去,首长指示,不开会,不迎接,事先也不要告诉大家,你和连长安排一下应该注意的事,给首长们准备好早餐。我和连长商量了一下,叫伙房炒了两个菜,一盘炒鸡蛋,一盘炒豆芽,又给首长们烙了一些白面烙饼。 7时许,团首长陪着周总理、陈毅元帅、兵团张仲翰政委等人坐着两辆小吉普来了,下车后和我们一一握手。总理说:“你们辛苦了,
In May 1965, following the visit of several people, including Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Chen Yi and his wife Zhang Qian, they visited Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and inspected the company’s development of land reclamation. They came to our company. On the morning of May 18, I was writing a summary and the phone rang. The Political Commissar of the Corps told me: Today, the head of the Central Government and the Corps go to you. The head instructed that no meeting, no greeting, and you And company commander to arrange what should pay attention to, ready for the heads of breakfast. I discussed with the commander a bit, called the hostess fired two dishes, a scrambled eggs, a fried bean sprouts, but also to the heads of branded some flour pie. 7 o’clock, the regiment chief accompanied by Premier Zhou, Marshal Chen Yi, Corps Zhang Zhonghan Political Commissar and others sitting in two small jeep came, got off and shook hands with us one by one. The Prime Minister said: "You worked hard,