Can Traffic Jam Be Solved By Building More Roads?

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  Today, traffic jam is a common problem faced with many cities, metropolitan in particular, even the third-tier cities begin to suffer from traffic congestion. When we are stopped on the road, we will have such an idea, it will not be so crowded if we build more roads. Is that really the case?
  To solve the problem ,we designed a simplified transportation model. There is an assumption that 4,000 people drive to work from place S to place T. Now, there are two accessible approaches: S—A—T and S—B—T, among which the part of the road s-B and A-t braod, and it takes 60 minutes; while s-a and b-t is narrow whose consuming time is decided by the number of cars on the road, to be more precise, the number of cars is divided by 100 (minute). If drivers choose their choice randomlly, the law will be obtained as time goes on, that is, there are 2,000 drivers who choose each road , then the total consuming time for each driver is 80 minutes. In academic terms, this is the only even result. We will get the same conclusion by the prediction of game theory.
  Let us suppose one day, the government plans to bulid a fast traffic lane between place A and B, and it takes less time, just ten minutes is enough. What will happen then, will traffic jam be solved?
  It will be a good news for the drivers who drive the route of S—A—T because it formerly takes 60 minutes from place A to T. Now drivers choose to go from fast lane A-B, then from place B to T, the consuming time is ten minutes plus 4,000/100= 50 minutes, 10 minutes saved at least. In this way, all drivers will change to go from the route: S—A—B—T.
  The drivers who choose S—B—T previously will be happy, too. It took them 60 mintues to go from place A to T, now people can first drive along the fast lane—S-A, and then take fast lane A to B, the consuming time at most is 4,000/100 plus 10 is 50 mintues, ten mintues is saved! Therefore, people of this route will change to drive from S—A—B—T. Now, we have arrived at such a conclusion that everybody will follow the road of S—A—B—T. In academic terms, a new balance is created and all the passengers are happy about it, by comparison, it seems that ten minutes has been saved. But, is that really the case? Let us think it over, if 4,000 drivers choose to go from the route of S—A—B—T, then the total consuming time for each is 4000/100 plus ten and then plus 4000/100 , that is 90 mintues in all, which is ten mintues slower than before.
  Braess’s Paradox   Which calculation is correct on earth? Is it faser or even slower. After careful consideration, we will find that it takes more time to reach destination. This is because the drivers previously choose the route of S—A—T do not expect that others will also choose their choice when they consider how much time they could have been saved. That means those latters may choose change from S-B to S-A, while those who previously choose the route of S—B—T have never considered that the others are likely to change from A-T to B-T. But, the choice of every driver to the route of S—A—B—T is the only one new balance. In this case, no one is willing to change their course. So we will be frightened if we reconsider the actual time consumed after taking the new route. Just owing to the newly-built road, each passenger has to spend another ten minutes on their journey.
  The above-mentioned result was first found by a German mathematist named Braess in 1968, which is called Braess Paradox. Now, there is one related study called “ routing problem of selfishness”, which is a frontier research in the field of game theory, and has an important application in route of transportation and the Internet.
  Up to now, the wise reader might ask if it is really the case, then all drivers reach an agreement that no one will take the route of A-B to save time, they still follow the previous route to advance their journey instead. Then such a problem will not be existed. Under such circumstance, even if the traffic does not be improved by building another road, it could not make traffic worse than ever! This has to be answered by a classic subject in game theory, namely, prisoner’s dilemma and the logic of collective action. In some cases, cooperation is very difficult. Just as the saying goes, it is easier said than done. Even if there is one better way that can benefit everybody, but it is still impossible to carry it out. Practicall everyone does for his own interests, all people seems to have made a wiser decision, however, they are unwilling to think their choice might undermine the benefits of others, in the end all hinder each other causing a miserable ending that no one is willing to see.
  Such cases
  in our daily life
  Could you still think that the above-mentioned examples are just a mathematic game which only exist in the mind of those mathematists and will never happen in our daily life. My dear readers, you are wrong if you really think so. Such cases do really exist in our life. Take Stuttgart, a German city, for example, in order to relieve the traffic jam and they built a new road, which was out of the expectation of them, it made the traffic even worse, they had to abandonthe newly-built road eventually. On the World Earth Day in 1990, the New York city decided to close the 42th avenue, which was a bolt from the blue to this city because the traffic jam was widespread and uncurbed here. Just as all people waiting for the occurrence of a super traffic jam in history of the New York city, the traffic was much smoother than ever instead! The same is also true to the reconstruction project in Cheonggyecheon, located in the capital of Republic Korea—Seoul.
  Of course, the actual traffic conditions of a city is rather complicated and affected by comprehensive influencen of many factors, it is not about building a new road or not. What the Braess Paradox described is just an extreme case. Later on, scientists find that even the occurrence of Braess Paradox, when traffic flow keep increasing, then its condition can be improved and Braess Paradox will be meaningless. That is to say, Braess Paradox is only applicable when traffic flow is kept at a fixed range. So we should not worry about this, the devil—Braess Paradox discovered by mathematists is only occurred and interefered our life in minor cases.
热爱旅游的人对Jack Morris和LaurenBullen这对情侣大多不会陌生,他们是Instagram上著名的旅游博主,分别坐拥200万和120万粉丝,在Instagram上发布一张照片,最高可收入9000美元(约合人民币61971元)。  来自英国曼切斯顿市的Jack Morris,原本是一名普通的地毯清洁工,过着朝九晚五枯燥的日子,按捺不住对自由生活的向往,他毅然决定放弃工作,背上行囊,
Nowadays, as the popularization of smart phones, practically everyone has such a phone. It is not only a communication tool , but an inalienable part of our daily life, work and study. It is said that
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作为一名专业的摄影师,你真的需要了解你的工作的一切。当然还有就是要对你所做的工作内的一切都要熟练,在没有思考的前提下快速的完成,当然这一切都要来自于长久以来磨练出来的肌肉记忆。  时间就是金钱,与光的竞赛中,摄影师们也需要争分夺秒。  这16件工作,对于摄影师来说是很基础的工作,但是也是很重要的,你能在10秒钟内完成么?  1、更换电池  记住,你应该永远在你的口袋中放一块备用电池,这样你才可以在
索尼上周才刚刚发布了新一代全画幅旗舰无反相机A9,今天就有人曝光了其首个衍生版本——A9R的机身谍照。  据曝料人士透露,A9R将主要针对拍照画质进行提升,传言新机将搭载7200万像素传感器,而目前A9所采用的传感器像素数为2420万,整整增加了两倍之多!  不过,由于像素数量增加迅猛,因此连拍性能就受到了一定的影响。A9R仅支持最高8fps的连拍,而A9则支持20fps连拍。  有观点认为,爆料
任何摄影题材,都存在一些基本技术,无论你拍摄对像或主体、使用器材或地点,都应该作出考虑。即使是专业摄影师也可能会忽略一些基本规则。来看看摄影师Ed Gregory的分享,当中他提出了不少人像拍摄的注意事项,值得大家参考。  1、位置  当你选择拍摄人像的位置时,请确保模特儿的位置不在阳光直射底下,最好选择在阴凉或阴暗的环境当中。此外,当拍摄时亦应避免拍摄到复杂的背景,而应选择一个简约而不会令观众分
对于摄影师而言,怎样存储、管理自己手上成千上万而且越来越多的照片,保证它们不会损毁,而且在需要它们时能够迅速检索到无疑是一件值得重视的事情。最近我们有幸借来了NAS产品界知名厂商威联通QNAP)的最新产品TS-451A,通过对它的试用来详细介绍NAS会给摄影人带来哪些好处。  多磁盘阵列更安全的存储方式  NAS(Network Attached Storage),是一种基于网络 的数据存储中心。
美国乔·斯坦菲尔德|Joel Sternfeld (1944年-今) 以大幅攝影和充满表现力的色彩从70年代起成为彩色摄影的重要影响人物之一。  乔的脑袋里应该安装了一个关于精密色彩的度量衡,他通过对色彩的严谨控制利用来更全面地表现作品情绪和内涵这件事在70年代是股新颖的风潮。  乔的独到之处还在于他既回流大幅摄影又同时采用先锋代表"色彩"来进行纪实创作,远距离观望,冷静地见证事件,故事性地记叙,
拍照和其他技能一样,都是要靠不断的练习来提高自己的水平的,但是经常我们会遇到的一大问题就是,拍摄一段时间以后,会觉得什么都拍过了,再拍也只是拍摄从前拍过的东西,千篇一律的拍摄并不能带来新鲜感,只会带来疲累。你到了拍摄的瓶颈期了。  这时候你需要走出你最擅长的舒适区,引导自己来追求自己的创造力。  当你觉得自己没有拍摄灵感的时候,不妨可以试试下面这些小贴士。  1、为你的作品添加情感  照片中的情绪