【摘 要】
【机 构】
钟祥市磷肥厂车队,钟祥市磷肥厂车队 431936,431936
China has a vast territory and a wide range of roads. The rapid development of market economy has made transportation more and more important in the national economy. National highway, provincial highway and local highway in every corner of the country. The proportion of mountainous and hilly roads is large. How to ensure the driving safety of mountain roads is that every traffic participant must carefully study. In particular, the safety of parking on slopes should attract the attention of relevant personnel. A little careless, prone to a wide variety of should not happen
The molecular constants of selected diatomic lanthanide compounds (LaH, LaO, LaF, EuH, EuO, EuF, EuS, GdO, GdF, GdH, YbH, YbO, YbF, YbS, LuH, LuO and LuF) have
PAM·FRP供液管汇是指聚合物注入站用于输送和注入PAM水溶液的玻璃钢异型管制品。它由输送管道供液干管和多个供液支管以及集气包等组成。其工作原理是把储罐中的PAM水溶液 (
Based on the available crystal data, a linear correlation between R0, the bond valence parameter for a Mo-containing chemical bond, and the Mo oxidation state n
俄罗斯鞑靼油田股份公司下属的电动潜油离心泵装置租赁与维修中心现有 8个车间 ,为该油田 1 2家采油厂提供服务 ,拥有泵装置 4 92 0套 ,其中 77%的泵为阿尔兰斯 (AдHAC)股份公司
近日,一种具有“润滑剂之王”美称的新型汽车车辆及机械润滑剂产品——加拿大产“倍力牌”抗磨节能润滑剂产品进入南京地区汽配市场上市销售。 “倍力牌”抗磨节能剂经中国
5取代四唑环在气相下与质谱化学电离源等离子体二次反应所产生的酰基离子作用 ,在产物离子中有被认为是重排的 2 ,5双取代 1,3,4恶二唑存在。用在凝相下反应获得的 2 ,5双取
A new highly sensitive spectroscopy technique-differential photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is presented in this paper. The blood samples from 3 healthy person
A novel polyoxometalate-based organic-inorganic polymer [{Ca(DMF)5}2SiMo12O40]n has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV and X-ray