【摘 要】
If you surf on MySpace a lot, then you would have noticed Lily Allen when she was distributing her songs on the website. In fact, that's how she got noticed. With her omnivorous musical tastes and che
A species of songbird has been shown to identify individual people in a crowdin order to target them aggressively if they pose a threat to their nests,NorthAmerican mockingbirds can distinguish betwee
With the price of non-renewable energy sources soaring today, we take a look at the environmentally friendly energy source we all know and love-our sun! Get the goods on solar energy right here!
Blake Christina Lively (born on August 25. 1987 in California) is an American actress known for her role in Gossip Girl.
《汤姆·索耶历险记》是马克·吐温的一部重要作品,描写的是密西西比河畔一个小镇上的淘气孩子汤姆和伙伴们的有趣历险。孩子们因为厌恶枯燥的学校课程和庸俗的生活环境,而去“当海盗”、“追逃犯”、“寻宝藏”…… 在下面节选的篇章中,汤姆突发奇想,决定和伙伴哈克去掘地寻宝,可惜最后一无所获。作者在文中使用了大量的不规范口语,较之规范语言更鲜活传神。
The skirt-like kilt which is familiar to us today evolved around the middle of the 18th century from the more commonly worn and functional belted plaid (in Gaelic, feileadh breacan or feileadh mor, "t