In 1995, “Toy Story,” a new era in 3D animation, made the audience in the world who like and dislike cartoon really get a glimpse of the glory of the same kind of film. Now continue this success boom, sequel “Toy Story 2” once again massive debut. When the film was released across the board in the United States, it hit the North American continent in an invincible manner, catching 57 million U.S. dollars in three days and becoming the cartoon company with the fastest profit making of Disney Company. In this sequel, in addition to the audience’s old friends Woody and Buzz Lightyear, there are many such as cowboy Jessie, blonde Barbie and other cartoon characters. Many toy characters vividly performed a more wonderful episode than the story. The story continues on the set Buzz Lightyear was saved, Woody scrubbed betrayal of fellow offenders, and other toy friends happy life together. One day, Andy Andy accidentally broken Wood’s arm