应我校科研处的邀请,2001年4月27日下午,天津大学纳米材料研究中心主任姚素微教授在我院图书馆小报告厅作了题为:“神奇的纳米材料”的学术报告。杨国庆院长、科研处华克强处长、理学院部分教师及我院科技协会的学生120余人参加了该次讲座。 姚教授讲座主要有如下内容: 1.
On the afternoon of April 27, 2001, Professor Yao Suwei, director of the Nanomaterials Research Center of Tianjin University, gave an academic report titled “The Amazing Nanomaterials” at the Lecture Hall of the Library of our University on the afternoon of April 27, 2001. More than 120 students, including Dean Yang Guoqing, Director Hua Keqiang at the Research Department, some teachers from the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Institute of Science and Technology of our hospital attended the lecture. Professor Yao lectures mainly include the following: 1.