五岭红和英红九号是广东省农科院茶叶所选育而成的高产优质大叶红茶新品种。 1.五岭红。是1971年从国优大叶红茶品种英红一号有性后代中单株分离,经单株鉴定、株行比较、品系试验,经历20年选育而成的无性系大叶红茶品种。属小乔木型大叶种(叶面积44.41平方厘米),树姿开展,分枝密度大(轮均548.8个/平方米),萌芽期早,常年2月中下旬萌动,3月下旬至4月初便可
Wuling red and British Red 9 is the Guangdong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences selected from the high yield and quality of tea leaves new varieties. 1. Wuling red. It is a clonal leaf tea variety isolated from the sexual descendants of Guoyou No.1, a big-leaf black tea variety of Guoyou in 1971. The clones were cloned by single plant identification, lineage comparison and lineage test after 20 years of breeding. It is a small arborvitae with a leaf area of 44.41 cm 2 and a tree-shaped position with a large branch density (548.8 rounds per square meter). The sprouting period is early, the perennial mid-February germinates, and the late March to early April Can be