
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:susame1976
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西藏自治区地处祖国的西南边陲,面积达120多万平方公里,占全国国土面积的八分之一,对外与印度、不丹、尼泊尔、锡金、缅甸五个国家和一个地区(克什米尔)接壤。对内与四川、青海、云南等四省相连。全区有21个边境县,110个边境乡镇,边境线长达4000多公里。边境地区总面积34万公里,居住着藏族、珞巴族、门巴族等以及人、夏尔巴人和国外侨民,人口36万多,占全区总人口的13.9%,是全区民族成分最多、各少数民族相对聚居的地区。西藏是我国对南亚地区开放的重要窗口和门户,有对外通道321条,传统边境贸易市场28个,是发展与邻国乃至第三国家经济关系的纽带。紧紧抓住机遇,积极推进兴边富民行动,实现边境地区经济社会跨越式发展,人民生活水平尽快提高,对于确保西藏进一步加强民族团结,维护祖国统一,具有重要的战略意义。那么,兴边富民行动在西藏推进的成效如何?有怎样的特点?还存在哪些问题和困难?就此,记者日前采访了西藏自治区民族宗教事务委员会主任丹增朗杰。 Located in the southwestern border of the motherland, the Tibet Autonomous Region covers an area of ​​over 1.2 million square kilometers, accounting for one eighth of the country’s total land area. It borders India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, and Burma in five countries and one region (Kashmir). Domestic and Sichuan, Qinghai, Yunnan and other four provinces connected. The region has 21 border counties, 110 border towns, the border line up to more than 4000 km. The border area covers a total area of ​​340,000 kilometers and houses Tibetan, Lhoba, Memba, etc., Sherpas and overseas nationals. With a population of over 360,000, accounting for 13.9% of the total population in the region, it is the largest ethnic group in the region, All ethnic minorities live in relatively concentrated areas. Tibet is an important window and gateway for China’s opening up to South Asia. It has 321 foreign accessways and 28 traditional border trade markets. It is a link in the development of economic relations with neighboring countries and even third countries. To seize the opportunity, actively promote the action of rejuvenating the border and enriching the people, achieve the leapfrog economic and social development in the frontier areas and raise the standard of living of the people as soon as possible, are of strategic strategic significance for ensuring that Tibet further strengthens its national unity and safeguarding the unification of the motherland. What are the characteristics? What are the problems and difficulties? In response, the reporter interviewed Danzeng Longjie, director of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region, a few days ago.
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