我科于1991~1993年应用胸腺素辅治喘憋性 肺炎40例,并与随机应用抗生素、氨茶碱等综合治疗的28例喘憋性肺炎作对照。治疗组在综合治疗基础上加用胸腺素4mg静脉推注,每日2次。两组诊断标准符合卫生部《小儿四病防治方案之二》,两组年龄、性别、体温、呼吸困难、肺部症状和体征大致相同。治疗组有效率84.6%,较对照组64.2%为优
In 1991 to 1993, our department applied thymosin to treat 40 cases of asthmatic pneumonia and compared with 28 cases of asthmatic pneumonia, which were treated with antibiotics and aminophylline randomly. The treatment group on the basis of comprehensive treatment with thymosin 4mg intravenous injection, 2 times a day. Two sets of diagnostic criteria in line with the Ministry of Health “pediatric four disease prevention and control program two”, two groups of age, gender, body temperature, difficulty breathing, lung symptoms and signs roughly the same. The treatment group was 84.6% efficient, 64.2% better than the control group