“龙凤”呈祥 中国速冻食品的“骄子”——记上海国福龙凤食品公司董事长叶惠德

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在上海华联、联华和农工商等大超市、大卖场的冷冻货柜里 ,台湾的汤圆、水饺、奶黄包等系列速冻食品 ,十分受人喜爱。20余种点心类和火锅类产品成为市场的热门货。“龙凤”何处来 ?它的食品为何如此行销 ?抓住商机落户上海落户闵行区梅陇镇的上海国福龙凤食品有限公司 ,今年? In Shanghai Hualian, Lianhua and Nonggong Shang and other large supermarkets, supermarkets frozen containers, Taiwan’s dumplings, dumplings, milk yellow packets and other series of frozen foods, very popular. More than 20 kinds of snacks and hot pot products become the hot products in the market. Where is the “Dragon and Phoenix”? Why is the marketing of the food? Seize the business opportunities settled in Shanghai Meilong Town, Minhang District, Shanghai Guofu Longfeng Food Co., Ltd.?