董老师年过六旬,教学30多年。他有丰富的教学经验和较高的教学艺术;讲课重点突出,条理分明,语言简练,逻辑性强,板书工整,字体美观。许多兄弟学校的老师经常听他的课。他教的学生基本功扎实,思路开阔,热爱化学,许多人毕业后从事化学专业,在祖国各条战线为四化服务。他的课之所以有这样的“魅力”?关键在于他热爱教育事业,把满腔的心血花在教学上。下面将董老师的教学经验初步总结如下: 一、精讲“精”不仅语言简练,逻辑性强,更重的
Teacher Dong has been teaching for more than 30 years. He has rich teaching experience and high teaching art; his lectures are focused, clear and concise, language is concise, logic is strong, neat writing and beautiful fonts. Many brother school teachers often listen to his class. The students he teaches are fundamentally solid, open-minded, and passionate about chemistry. After graduating, many people are engaged in chemistry and are serving in the four fronts of the motherland. The reason why his class has such “charisma” is that he loves education and spends all his efforts on teaching. The following is a summary of the teaching experience of Mr. Dong as follows: 1. The “fine” teaching is not only concise, logical and heavier.