
来源 :中国记者 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjzh
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版面是报纸各种内容编排布局的整体表现形式。版面设计的好与坏、新鲜与陈旧、别具一格与落于俗套,都直接关系到报纸对读者的吸引力。因此,要办好一张报纸,不仅要提高新闻报道本身的质量,而且还要注意充分发挥版面对内容的能动作用。北京日报重视版面编辑技巧,鼓励和支持版面编辑学习兄弟报纸所长,吸取亚运会期间改进版面编排的经验,结合本报性质、任务和传统,大胆创新,使版面编排不断有所改进,逐步形成了严肃庄重中不失生动活泼,容量密集中不失大方粗犷的版面风格。北京日报是从内容和形式的结合上,不断改进版面编排的。下面记述的,是他们的点滴体会和经验: Layout is the overall layout of the various forms of content layout of the newspaper. The layout of the good and bad, fresh and old, unique and fall in the stereotypes, are directly related to the attractiveness of the newspaper readers. Therefore, to run a newspaper, we must not only improve the quality of the news report itself, but also pay attention to giving full play to the motivation of the content on the forum. Beijing Daily attaches importance to layout editing skills and encourages and supports layout editors to learn from brothers newspaper directors. Drawing on the experience of improving layouts during the Asian Games, Beijing Daily boldly innovated its layout and kept improving and gradually formed Serious and solemn without losing the vivid and lively, volume-intensive without losing generous rough layout style. Beijing Daily is a combination of content and form, continuous improvement layout. Described below, is their bit by bit experience and experience:
该文叙述了随着信息革命而产生的地球空间信息学(Geo-Spatial Informat ion Science--Geomatics)和美国副总统戈尔所提出的数字地球(Digital Earth)的概念。讨论了地球空间信息学