Antibody delivery into viable epimastigotes of <i>Trypanosoma cruzi</i>a

来源 :生命科学与技术进展(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Layman_Zhejiang
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American trypanosomiasis is a zoonosis of worldwide medical importance and currently there is no effective treatment in chronic patients, hence the importance of the study of protein function of the parasite with the objective of finding new drug targets
Transcription factors (TFs) are the core sentinels of gene regulation functioning by binding to highly specific DNA sequences to activate or repress the recruit
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7月份,上海港完成集装箱吞吐量97.2万标箱,货物吞吐量1 580万吨,分别比去年同期增长34.9%和17.1%,均创历史月产新高。这样,上海港1~7月的集装箱吞吐量已累计完成618.9万标箱,比
In the course of the study there were examined cytokine levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activity (IL-1b, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-g, G-GSF)
离散数学课程是计算机专业知识体系中的重要组成部分.从实践教学角度出发,将计算思维和离散 数学结合在一起,提出了融入计算思维的离散数学实践教学模式.通过命题逻辑部分的
Methylene blue (MB), a tricyclic phenothiazine drug, has been reported to enhance mitochondrial functions including mitochondrial respiration. By comparison, st