收入悬殊并不等于社会分配不公。在现行政策和法律允许的范围内,一部分人通过合法经营,辛勤劳动,是可以获得高收入的。这种高收入形成的收入悬殊不能视为分配不公。允许一部分人先富起来,这一政策是正确无疑的。当然,违法收入会导致社会分配不公,但这不是分配政策和分配制度本身所造成的。 平均主义依然是最大的分配不公。实行“按劳分配为主,其他分配方式为补充”的原则,
Income disparity is not equal to unfair social distribution. To the extent permitted by current policies and laws, some people can obtain high income through legal management and hard work. The disparity in income generated by this high income can not be regarded as unfair distribution. Allowing some people to get rich first is a correct policy. Of course, illegal income will lead to unfair social distribution, but this is not caused by the distribution policy and the distribution system itself. Egalitarianism is still the largest inequity in distribution. Implementing the principle of “distribution according to work and supplementation of other distribution methods”