上海博物馆 翰墨荟萃——美国收藏中国五代宋元书画珍品展

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作为上海博物馆建馆60周年系列庆祝活动之一,“翰墨荟萃——美国收藏中国五代宋元书画珍品展”于2012年11月2日至2013年1月3日在上海博物馆三楼绘画陈列室展出。本次展览是继2002年“千年遗珍——晋唐宋元书画国宝展”和2010年“千年丹青——日本、中国唐宋元绘画珍品展”之后,上博举办的中国晋唐宋元书画系列大展的第三部曲。此次展览首次将美国大都会艺术博物馆、波士顿美术馆、纳尔逊艺术博物馆和克利夫兰美术馆所藏的中国古代书画珍品聚集到一起,60件展品涵盖了五代、宋、元400多年的时间跨度,通过经典性、学术性和互补互动性三大特点向观 As one of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Shanghai Museum, a series of celebrations were held on the third floor of the Shanghai Museum from November 2, 2012 to January 3, 2013. Showroom display. This exhibition is the second in 2002, “Millennium Legacy - the Song and Yuan Dynasties Painting and Calligraphy National Treasure Exhibition” and the 2010 “Millennium Danqing - Japan, China Tang and Song Yuan Treasures Exhibition of Fine Arts,” held in Shanghai on the China The Third Part of the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Series in Shanxi, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties. For the first time, the exhibition brings together ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting treasures hidden in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Nelson Art Museum and the Cleveland Art Museum. The exhibits span 60 years spanning more than 400 years of the Five Dynasties, Classical, academic and complementary interaction of the three major characteristics of the concept