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英语命题讲究知识性和科学性,必须反映出学生对英语语言知识的理解程度和运用能力。要想圆满地完成一份英语试题,学生除了熟练掌握所学知识和技能外,还应注意试题中出现的“陷阱题”。有些试题,答案看似很明显,实质上,由于音标、词义分辨不 The English proposition emphasizes knowledge and science, and it must reflect the students’ understanding and application of English language knowledge. In order to successfully complete an English test, students should not only master the knowledge and skills they have learned, but also pay attention to the “pitfall questions” that appear in the test questions. Some questions seem to have obvious answers, in essence, because phonetic symbols and word meanings are not distinguishable.
嘿,我们恋爱吧。  其实,我并不喜欢你  “终于做了这个决定,别人怎么说我不理,只要你一样的肯定……”耳畔掠过梁静茹清脆的歌声,我收回凌乱的思绪,怀着复杂的心情,开始小心翼翼地提笔。  未曾与你谋面,我便久仰你的大名。在高中这个校园,称你为“园中霸王”一点也不为过。说起你,不免有几分畏惧。  我不喜欢你,因为你会自私地要求我将全部时间和精力都倾注于你,甚至睡梦中都可能出现你的身影。我那珍爱的课外书