当下的放慢,就是要在消费者时代找回品牌自己。3月照例是大多数企业发布上年度财报的时候。服装人自然比较关注国内服装企业的财报情况。先来看看国内运动装领先企业安踏集团的业绩。2012年,安踏营业额从201 1年的89亿下降14.4%至76.2亿元;毛利率下跌4.3%至38.0%。安踏大货和运动生活由201 1年末8665家减少590家至2012年末的8075家;儿童净开201家(2012年末833家,2011年末632家)。存货周转天数由38天上升至51天,存货由6.1亿升至6.8亿。单从2011年店效(总销售额与总店数的比值)与2012年店效相比,发现其店效下滑明显。这一点与安踏此前在公告中披露同店销售下滑事实吻合,当然也与释放渠道既有商品的库存有关系。
The moment to slow down, is to recover the brand in the consumer era. March, as usual, most companies released last year’s earnings. Clothing people naturally more concerned about the earnings of domestic garment enterprises. First look at the leading domestic sportswear ANTA Group’s performance. In 2012, Anta Turnover decreased 14.4% from RMB8.9 billion in 201 1 to RMB7.62 billion. The gross profit margin decreased by 4.3% to 38.0%. Anta big cargo and sports life decreased from 8,665 at the end of 201 to 590 at the end of 2012 to 8,075 at the end of 2012; and there were 201 in the net (833 at the end of 2012 and 632 at the end of 2011). The inventory turnover days increased from 38 days to 51 days, and the stock rose from 610 million to 680 million. Compared with the store sales in 2012, the store efficiency dropped significantly from 2011 alone (the ratio of total sales to total stores). This is consistent with the fact that Anta previously disclosed a decline in same-store sales in its announcement and, of course, it also had a connection with the stock of existing goods in release channels.