张扬个性 求索创新——夏恩智绘画艺术散记

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夏恩智,一九六二年生,回族,毕业于哈尔滨大学美术系,现任黑龙江省画院专业画家,黑龙江省美术家协会会员,美国达拉斯远东艺术基金会特聘画家。哈尔滨市冰雪画院特邀画家。国家二级美术师。近年来多次参加国内外美展并有作品获奖。1989年5月,作品《北国情》、《吟东》入选参加在日本福冈、大阪举办的《中国绘画展》。1990年10月,参加湖社画会举办的《现代中国画展》。1991年8月,作品《曾走过的路》参加在香港举办的《黑龙江画展》。1991年8月,在黑龙江省美术馆举办“四人画展”。哈尔滨市电视台拍摄专题片“塞北四友”加以介绍。1992年12月,《莽莽雪原》参加新加坡举办的《俄罗斯油画,中国绘画联展》。1991年至1995年,先后五次在美国举办《塞北四有,冰雪画展》、《北方情——三人画展》、《当代中国画美术作品展》、《于志学、张景儒、夏恩智、吴喜全现代冰雪画展》等展出很多作品被国内外友人收藏。1995年12月,参加黑龙江省:“北国杯”画展,并获优秀作品奖。1996年7月,参加中国佛教文化书画大展,并有三幅作品入选优秀作品集。1997年1月,哈尔滨市电视台拍摄专题片“绘画人生”。1998年1月,作品《春归大地》参加“哈尔滨冰雪画展”,并获金奖。1998年1月,应奥地利联邦政府艺术部的邀请赴维也纳,在其艺术家工作室创作和艺术交流三个月,并在维也纳艺术家画廊举办个人画展,作品《迎春》被奥地利联邦政府收藏,同时被国际中国美术家协会,奥地利分会授予“艺术家成就奖”,并赴意大利、捷克等国进行艺术考察。2001年8月,作品《春水》参加《庆祝建党80周年黑龙江省美术作品回顾展》。2002年5月,在黑龙江省美术馆举办“四人画展”。2003年10月,参加《第二届全国画院双年展》。2004年11月,参加《黑龙江艺术之冬画展》。 Xia Enzhi, born in 1962, Hui, graduated from the Art Department of Harbin University. He is currently a professional painter of Heilongjiang Academy of Fine Arts, a member of Artists Association of Heilongjiang Province, and a distinguished painter of Dallas Far East Art Foundation. Harbin Ice Painting Institute Invited painter. National secondary artists. In recent years many times to participate in domestic and international art exhibitions and won the award. In May 1989, his works “Northern China” and “Yin Dong” were selected for the “Chinese Painting Exhibition” in Fukuoka and Osaka, Japan. In October 1990, he participated in the “Modern Chinese Art Exhibition” held by the Society of Lake Societies. In August 1991, the work “The Road That Has Been Traveled” participated in the “Heilongjiang Art Exhibition” held in Hong Kong. August 1991, held in Heilongjiang Province Art Museum “four person art exhibition.” Harbin City television filming feature film “Saibei four friends” to be introduced. In December 1992, “vast snowfields” participated in the “Russian Oil Painting and Chinese Painting Exhibition” held in Singapore. From 1991 to 1995, there were five exhibitions in the United States such as “Saibei Siyou, Ice and Snow Painting Exhibition”, “Northern Love - Three-person Painting Exhibition”, “Contemporary Chinese Painting and Art Exhibition”, “Yu Zhixue, Zhang Jingru, Xia Enzhi, Ice Painting Exhibition ”and many other works exhibited by friends at home and abroad. December 1995, Heilongjiang Province: “North Cup” exhibition, and won the award for outstanding works. July 1996, to participate in Chinese Buddhist culture and calligraphy exhibition, and three works selected excellent works. January 1997, Harbin City television filming feature film “painting life.” January 1998, the work “Spring Return to the Earth” to participate in “Harbin Ice and Snow Exhibition”, and won the gold medal. In January 1998, at the invitation of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Arts, he went to Vienna to create and exchange art for three months at his artist’s studio and hold a solo exhibition at the Vienna Artists’ Gallery. The artwork “Spring Festival” was collected by the Austrian federal government and was International Association of Chinese Artists, Austria Branch awarded the “Artist Achievement Award” and went to Italy, the Czech Republic and other countries for artistic study. August 2001, “Spring Water” to participate in “celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Heilongjiang Province art retrospect exhibition.” May 2002, held in Heilongjiang Province Art Museum “four person art exhibition.” October 2003, to participate in the “Second National Art Biennale.” November 2004, to participate in “Heilongjiang Art Winter Art Exhibition.”
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