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异丁基哌嗪力复霉素(商品名利福定)是近几年来国内临床上用于治疗结核病的新药,它在临床上使用的剂型有胶囊和片剂二种。我们通过生物利用度测定,发现利福定的片剂比胶囊生物利用度差的多,本文报告这一实验结果,希望能引起制药和医务工作人员的重视。 实验所用的利福定为同一药厂的同一批原料产品制成的片剂和胶囊。 一、健康人口服利福定胶囊和片剂的血药浓度水平: 10名健康人男女不限,每人早饭前一次口服600毫克药物,于服药后2、4、6、8、11小时静脉抽血测定血浆的药物浓度,共做10名健康人;其中5名先服片剂,另外5名先服胶囊,二个星期以后,再服一次药,先服片剂者,改服胶囊,先服胶囊者,改服片剂。在同一个体内进行二种剂型的比较。血浓分析采用的是紫外比色法,是以三氯醋酸沉淀血浆蛋白,同时也将血浆中的利福定沉淀下来,以乙酸乙酯抽提,浓缩后在320毫微米处比色。以未服药时的血浆及血浆加标准利福定 Isobutylpiperazine erythromycin (trade name Rifadin) is a new drug used clinically in the domestic clinical treatment of tuberculosis in recent years. It is clinically used in two forms of capsules and tablets. We measured the bioavailability and found that the bioavailability of rifadin is much worse than that of the capsule. This paper reports the results of this experiment, hoping to arouse the attention of the pharmaceutical and medical staff. Rifacitin used in the experiment was tablets and capsules made from the same batch of raw material products from the same pharmaceutical factory. First, the health of people taking rifadine capsules and tablets blood concentration levels: 10 healthy men and women are not limited to, each oral administration of 600 mg of drugs before breakfast, after taking 2,4,6,8,11 hours after intravenous Blood plasma concentration of the drug determination, a total of 10 healthy people; of which 5 first service tablets, the other five first service capsules, two weeks later, and then take a drug, the first serving of tablets, change service capsules, First service capsule, change service tablets. A comparison of two dosage forms was made in the same individual. Blood concentration analysis using UV colorimetric method, is based on the precipitation of plasma protein trichloroacetate, but also the plasma precipitation of rifadimine, extracted with ethyl acetate, concentrated at 320 nm colorimetric. When not taking the plasma and plasma plus standard rifadin
目的 :了解医科大学生的睡眠质量与神经类型、生活事件及心理健康状况等因素的相关关系。方法 :采用《睡眠质量调查表》、《症状自评量表》、《80 8神经类型测试表》和《生
曾有报导,多次妊娠挛生死胎与子宫内 DIC 有关,尚未见有活产胎儿水肿的报导,现见一例,介绍如下:病例报告第六胎,第五产,妊娠34周,母亲33岁,白种人。该儿的脐带同其已糜烂的
论著 骨纤维性腰椎管和神经根管的形态观察···,·········~·································……卑裕丈等、浏维孕的精密给
呋喃西林麻黄素滴鼻剂(简称呋麻液,为医院常用制剂.其处方;每100ml 中含呋喃西林0.02g、盐酸麻黄素1.0g。呋哺西林的含量测定中国药典1963年版为重量法;医院制剂检验通常用
作者在Zurich医院,对24例肺炎患者,静滴红霉素乳酸盐液(1g溶于250ml)治疗时,发现4例患者每次静滴之后,注射局部出现疼 痛、红斑。由此曾设想增加液量以降低局部副作用的发生
本文报告17例晚期血吸虫病患者用吡喹酮(60mg/kg,2天疗法)治疗前后的肌电图检查结果和吡喹酮对大鼠骨骼肌作用的实验观察结果。 动物实验显示吡喹酮能抑制电刺激对大鼠膈肌