从国内外工矿企业伤亡事故变化态势和我国安全生产形势分析,2004年我国工矿企业伤亡事故统计数据同比将会有所上升。1. 从韩国工业事故情况看我国工矿企业事故发展态势(见图一)韩国工业事故死亡人数同工业经济发展密切相关。20世纪60年代经济发展早期,工业事故死亡人数很少。自
From the changes of industrial accidents at home and abroad in industrial and mining accidents and the analysis of the situation of production safety in our country, the statistical data on the casualty accidents of industrial and mining enterprises in China will increase year-on-year in 2004. 1. From the situation of industrial accidents in South Korea to see the industrial and mining accidents in China (see Figure 1) The number of industrial accidents in South Korea is closely related with the development of industrial economy. Early in economic development in the 1960s, there were few industrial fatalities. from