自1972年开始,2年来,我科学习兄弟单位的先进经验,应用中药“活络效灵丹”加减,治疗子宫外孕10例,效果良好,未有因失败而中途改用手术治疗,随访亦未见有后遗症。现小结如下: 一、诊断标准本组病例的诊断根据: 1.均有闭经、腹痛、阴道流血等典型症状。 2.检查有不同程度的贫血、血压下降、转移性浊音或包块,下腹部压痛、反跳痛,子宫
Since 1972, two years ago, our department learned the advanced experience of fraternal units and applied traditional Chinese medicine “Active and Reliable Dan” addition and subtraction treatment of 10 cases of ectopic pregnancy, the effect is good, failed to switch to surgery due to failure, follow-up also No sequelae. Now summarized as follows: First, the diagnostic criteria The diagnosis of this group of cases based on: 1. Have amenorrhea, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and other typical symptoms. 2. Check to varying degrees anemia, blood pressure, metastatic dullness or mass, lower abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness, uterus