1病例报告患者男,54岁,因“确诊右上肺不典型类癌8个月,拟再次化疗”入院。查体:右上肺触诊语颤稍增强,叩诊无明显浊音,听诊可闻及轻度哮鸣音,心率76次/m in,律齐,无杂音,肝肋下3指,质硬,轻压痛。既往已行纤支镜活检加高频电圈套切割1次,病理诊断:不典型类癌,腹部CT提示肝脏多
1 Case report The patient was male, 54 years old. He was admitted to hospital because he was diagnosed with atypical carcinoid in the right upper lung for 8 months and was scheduled to receive chemotherapy again. Physical examination: slight increase in palpation of speech and trembling in the right upper lung, no conspicuous dullness in the percussion, audible and mild wheezing, a heart rate of 76 beats/m in, regularity, no murmur, liver 3 fingers, hard, light tenderness. The previous bronchoscopy biopsy plus high-frequency electrical snare cut 1 time, pathological diagnosis: atypical carcinoid, abdominal CT prompted liver multiple