罗曼·罗兰《约翰·克里斯多夫》所引用过的那句阿拉伯名言——“不结果的树是没有人用石子去打的”,王朝闻先生也很为欣赏,他在《审美心态》第六章就特别提到这一点。 这句话说得实在太好了。但,倘因为挨了石子就断言自己一定硕果累累,则未免成了另一种荒谬。因此,即便听到有人对现时的《美术观察》或“美术学”版块表示不满,我也绝不敢说那是因为我们干得出色了。更何况,大多意见都是出自善意的呢。 对于读者诸君,编者只不过是厨师。读者理应对种种菜式的原料,搭配、味道和烹饪手艺说三道四。厨师如果通过倾听、改进而获得了更多食客的首肯,那实在是获得了最大的鼓励。从本期开始,“美术学”版块为了适应现时的阅读需要,在内容和栏目设置方面都作了较大的调整。这种改动行吗?我们期待着读者和作者们热心的建议。 主持人/梁江
Roman Roland “John Christopher” quoted the phrase quoted in the Arab saying - “the tree is not the result of no one to play with stones,” Mr. Wang Wen Wen also very much appreciated, he “aesthetic attitude” Chapter VI mentions this point in particular. This statement is really good. However, it would have been another absurdity to assert that he must have been fruitful because of being hit by stones. Therefore, even if I heard someone dissatisfied with the current “art observation” or “art” section, I would never dare say that because we did a great job. What’s more, most of the opinions are from goodwill. For readers, editors are only chefs. Readers should be on the various dishes of raw materials, mix, taste and culinary skills to make irresponsible remarks. If the chef gets the approval of more diners by listening and improving, that is really the greatest encouragement. From the beginning of this issue, the “Fine Arts” section has made major adjustments in terms of content and section settings in order to meet the current reading needs. Is this change possible? We look forward to the enthusiastic suggestions from readers and authors. Host / Liang Jiang