Since 1969, Rygaad and Povlsen have transplanted human cancers to athymic mice. In the field of otorhinolaryngology, nasopharyngeal cancer, tongue cancer, maxillary sinus cancer, oral cavity cancer, and laryngeal cancer have been used in athymic tissues. The transplantation of mice has also been successful, but transplantation of metastatic lymph nodes with throat cancer in athymic mice has not been reported so far. The authors chopped metastatic lymph nodes from 60-year-old women with throat metastases, each 2 × 2 × 2 mm × 3, and were treated and transplanted on the back of both sides of athymic mice. When the tumor grows to a size of 20mm x 20mm, it is filled with 2% paraaldehyde and 2.5% Glutaradehyde