到目前人们对自然资源的价值问题才开始有所认识。自然资源的价值决定问题又困扰着人们。现有的价值理论都不能很好地解释这个问题。解决问题的正确途径是对劳动价值理论进行创新。自然资源资本的价值的量决定于再生产该资本所耗费的社会必要劳动时间 ,包括两个方面即自然资源本身的价值和社会对自然资源投入的价值。自然资源资本的价值的质决定于该资源在人类社会的发展中对人类社会的效用 ,其价值具有内在性。确立自然资源有价值的观念是实现可持续发展的必要前提 ,能够促进人们将经济目标从追求劳动生产率转变为追求资源生产率 ,能够促进现存的商品经济向服务经济转化 ,促进与可持续发展相适应的生产方式、生活方式的形成
Until now people began to know the value of natural resources. The problem of determining the value of natural resources is troubling people. None of the existing theories of value explain this question well. The correct way to solve the problem is to innovate the labor value theory. The value of natural resources depends on the amount of social labor necessary to reproduce the capital, including both the value of natural resources and the value of society’s input to natural resources. Natural resources The value of the quality of the capital depends on the resources in the development of human society to the effectiveness of human society, its value is inherent. The establishment of a valuable concept of natural resources is a necessary prerequisite for achieving sustainable development. It can promote people’s economic goals from pursuing labor productivity to pursuing resource productivity, and can promote the transformation of the existing commodity economy into a service economy and to promote sustainable development The mode of production, the formation of lifestyles