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‘昌宁大尖嘴’是在云南省昌宁县鸡飞乡鸡飞村发现的核桃新品种,发现时树龄约80年生。青果微长圆形,坚果微长菱圆形,平均单(干)果重16.43 g;顶部渐尖,缝合线隆起,核果表面麻点窝密;壳厚1.1 mm,内隔基部革质,壁纸质,内褶壁纸质,果仁与果壳内壁分离,可取整仁;果仁黄白色,圆润饱满,仁皮上的脉络明显、灰黑色,肉质细腻,甜香,带糯性,无涩味,风味佳;出仁率53.00%,脂肪含量72.19%,蛋白质含量16.40%;在云南省昌宁县,果实9月上中旬成熟;适宜在云南省高寒山区以及林缘栽植。2013年通过云南省林木品种审定委员会认定。 ’Changning big tip mouth’ is a walnut found in Jifei Village, Jifei Township, Changning County, Yunnan Province. When it was discovered, it was about 80 years old. Fruit oblong, nutlets long, rhombus, averaged 16.43 g (single) fruit; apex acuminate, suture raised, pitted on drupe surface; shell thickness 1.1 mm, inner basal leathery, wallpaper Quality, pleated wall paper, nuts and shell wall separation, desirable whole kernels; nuts yellowish white, rounded and full of veins on the veins obvious, gray-black, delicate meat, sweet, with waxiness, no astringency , Good flavor; kernel rate of 53.00%, fat content of 72.19%, protein content of 16.40%; in Changning County, Yunnan Province, fruit mature in mid-September; suitable for planting in the alpine mountainous area and the edge of the margin of Yunnan Province. In 2013, it was certified by Yunnan Forest Tree Species Examination and Approval Committee.
湿疹 一、什么是湿疹 湿疹是常见的过敏性皮肤炎症,是过敏性皮炎的一种。皮肤损害呈多形性,瘙痒剧烈、易复发。有30%以上的患者有家族史。湿疹在婴幼儿中最常见,常在2岁以内
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