为国家披上绿衣——记“全国绿化奖章”获得者 黄润波

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登上谢岗山头,到处郁郁葱葱,绿意盎然,一片片苍翠欲滴的林海绿野给这个小镇增添了无限的生机。这一片片美丽动人的绿色,无不饱含着黄润波以及林业工作者们辛勤劳动的汗水。谢岗原有森林中疏残林、病虫林、纯林较多,林相质量差,森林生态功能较为脆弱。黄润波自2000年担任广东省东莞市谢岗镇副镇长,主管林业工作以来,为改善谢岗森林生态环境和林相景观,不顾多年风湿骨痛旧患,忍受腿部剧痛,带领干部群众奋斗在绿化最前线。每年义务植树节,黄润波都要亲自与林业站的同志一起深入乡村,上山踏查选点办义务植树基地,并与群众一道参加义务植树活动。五年来,全镇参加义务植树达6万多人次,植树100多万株;共建立义务植树基地5个,面积6600亩,连年全民义务植树尽责率达96%以上,义务植树建卡率95%以上。为保证造林成活率,提高造林绿化质量,黄润波坚持适地适树原则,在对造林地自然、立地条件等进行实地调查、研究的基础上,把引进的优良阔叶树种和选用的优良乡土阔叶树种结合起来,采用合理的混交方式,适当增加优良阔叶树种比例,及时监督检查造林抚育工作,确保造林一片成林一片。在病虫害防治方面,黄润波坚持“提前预防,精心管养”原则,通过定期检查山林,做到早发现早治理,采用选育抗病树种,生物防治,物理化学防治等方法防止病虫害蔓延。他还先后组织实施了京九绿化长廊(谢岗段)工程、生态公益林建设工程、谢樟公路两侧林地绿化形象工程、森林公园和自然保护区林相改造工程,生物防火林带建设工程,边境森林生态景观工程等造林工程建设,几年来,共完成山地造林1.5万多亩。经过多年的实践与探索,谢岗已逐渐建立起多树种,季相变化明显,色彩丰富、生态群落稳定的具有亚热带特色的风景观赏林。现在谢岗的山头旧貌换新颜,昔日的荒山变得绿树成荫,这与黄润波的辛勤奉献是分不开的。谢岗银瓶山自然保护区,经过多年的林相改造,成为东莞市面积最大,植物最丰富的自然保护区。2004年10月举办的谢岗首届银瓶山登山节,吸引游客五万多名以上,取得了显著的社会效益。目前,谢岗镇山林总面积6.09万亩,林地绿化率达98%以上,森林覆盖率达40%以上。我们相信,在谢岗镇镇委,镇政府的正确领导下,在黄润波以及林业工作者们的默默耕耘下,谢岗的生态环境将变得更绿,更美,更动人! Mount Xiegang hill, everywhere lush, green, a piece of lush green forest to the town added unlimited vitality. This piece of beautiful green moving, all full of Huang Run-bo and the hard work of foresters sweat. Xie Gang original dwarf forests in forests, pests and diseases, more pure forests, forest poor quality, ecological function of the forest is more vulnerable. Huang Runbo since 2000 as vice mayor of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Xie Gang, in charge of forestry work, in order to improve the Xiegang forest environment and forest landscape, regardless of years of rheumatism old pain, bear leg pain, leading cadres and the masses struggle The forefront. The annual voluntary tree planting festival and Huang Run-bo must all go deep into the villages together with the comrades from the forestry station. They should go to the hill to inspect and select volunteer tree planting bases and volunteer tree planting activities with the masses. Over the past five years, the town participated in volunteer tree planting more than 60,000 people, planting more than 1000000 trees; a total of 5 volunteer tree planting bases, an area of ​​6,600 acres, year-round volunteer tree planting duty rate of 96% or more, voluntary tree planting rate of 95% the above. In order to ensure the survival rate of afforestation and improve the quality of afforestation, Huang Run-bo insisted on the principle of adaptive tree. On the basis of field investigation and study of afforestation land and natural conditions, the paper introduced the excellent broad-leaved tree species and the selected native broad-leaved tree species In combination, a reasonable mix of hybrid methods, appropriate increase in the proportion of broad-leaved species, timely supervision and inspection of afforestation and tending to ensure that a piece of forest afforestation. In terms of pest and disease control, Huang Runbo adhered to the principle of “early prevention and meticulous care” and prevented the spread of pests and diseases through the periodic inspection of the forests, early detection and early treatment, and the selection and breeding of disease-resistant tree species, biological control and physical and chemical control measures. He also successively organized and implemented the project of Beijing-Kowloon Green Corridor (Xiegang Section), the construction of ecological public welfare forest, the afforestation project of forest land on both sides of Xiezhang Highway, the forest facies renovation project of forest parks and nature reserves, the construction of biological fire-retardant forest belts, Forest ecological landscape projects and other afforestation projects, the past few years, completed a total of 15,000 mu of mountain afforestation. After many years of practice and exploration, Xie Gang has gradually established multi-species, obvious seasonal changes, rich in color, ecological community with a subtropical landscape ornamental forest. Xie Gang's hill now looks a new look, the old barren hills become tree-lined, which is undoubtedly the hard work of Huang Runbo is inseparable. Xie Gang Yin bottles Hill Nature Reserve, after years of transformation of the forest phase, becoming the largest in Dongguan City, the most abundant plant nature reserve. Xie Gang, the first Silver Mountain Climbing Festival held in October 2004, attracts more than 50,000 tourists and achieved remarkable social benefits. At present, Xie Gangzhen total area of ​​60,900 acres of forest, woodland greening rate of 98% or more, the forest coverage rate of 40% or more. We believe that under the correct leadership of the Xiegang Town Committee and the town government, thanks to the quiet efforts of Huang Runbo and foresters, the ecological environment of Xie Gang will become greener, more beautiful and more moving!
An improved configurational-confomational statistical method is developed and the mean-square radius of gyration for atactic poly(α-methylstyrene)(PαMS)chains