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“文化日历”是指将某个城市或地区的重要文化活动按举办日期的先后和空间分布,将相关信息进行有序编排而形成的特殊历书,它用简洁的方式揭示出该城市或地区文化活动的丰富性程度和时空间安排。文化日历可以有指南性和总结性两种类型。文化日历需要有意识的构建。文化日历的构建必须依据一定的准入标准通过科学规范的方法来进行。一种信息准确、内容精致、安排合理、服务性强的城市文化日历(电子)文本,具有实现文化供给与文化需求有效和及时对接、营造文化品牌、扩大城市影响力、提升市民认同感以及存史资政的重要功能。构建文化日历是当前城市文化建设的重要内容和可行路径。 “Cultural calendar ” refers to the special calendar book that organizes the important cultural activities of a certain city or region according to the sequence of the dates and spatial distribution, and arranges relevant information in an orderly manner. It reveals in a concise manner that the city or The richness and time-space arrangement of regional cultural activities. Cultural calendar can guide and summarize two types. Cultural calendars need to be constructed consciously. The construction of the cultural calendar must be based on certain standards of access through scientific and standardized methods. An informational, precise, well-organized and serviceable urban culture calendar (electronic) text with effective and timely implementation of cultural supply and cultural needs, creating a cultural brand, expanding the city’s influence, enhancing public recognition and preservation Historical capital of the important functions. The construction of cultural calendar is an important part of urban culture construction and a feasible route.
以贵州普定喀斯特石漠化区域石生银叶真藓(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)、扭口藓(Barbula unguicu-lata Hedw.)、穗枝赤齿藓(Erythrodontium julaceum(Schwaegr.)Par。)、美灰藓(Eurohy pnum