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  Perez Hilton: More Gossip, More Fun
  by Lina Caesar
  你看了新一季的青春偶像剧《八卦天后》(Gossip Girl)吗?在现实生活中,竟然真的有这么一位让人又爱又恨的“八卦天后”在随时跟踪报导好莱坞名人的最新动态呢!一起来看看这位取名自Paris Hilton的“高级狗仔队”是怎样发迹,成为比明星更红的风云人物吧—
  our years ago he was a nobody. Now the man who calls himself Perez Hilton is one of the most 1)feted – and hated – men in Hollywood. In fact, chatting Mario Lavandeira up one Sunday afternoon, it was hard to believe that this was the one behind the keyboard of Perezhilton.com, a gossip blog known as “Hollywood’s most hated website,” which has the power to make or break star careers. This famous blogger, who now travels around the world hosting award and entertainment shows and gets 2)props from the likes of John Mayer, comes off as anything but 3)calculating when you talk to him. He’s more a cartoon 4)geeky character in person, and his success seems almost accidental.
  He started the blog, first called Page Six Six Six, in 2004 as a forum to “comment on pop culture, like you would with your friends.” His 5)biting bits on celebrity fashion, 6)hook-ups and 7)hang-outs coupled with 8)audacious Photoshop 9)scribblings made him stand out among the diary-like blogs of the time. It’s easy to see why web-surfers found him a guilty pleasure. So did the stars. Some even started to befriend him. This exposed him to charges of 10)bias, but the “insider” element helped the site explode into the mainstream. He currently gets more than four million hits a day.
  So 11)vicious is the gossip on the site, and so heavy is the web traffic, that he has become a major player in Hollywood’s star-making factory. Lavandeira promotes his favorite albums. Managers now contact him with stories about their stars. Picture agencies send him their pictures. Some celebrities actually complained that they do not appear often enough on the blog. Yet the on-the-way-to-stardom Lavandeira still works really hard, with a strict work 12)ethic: he’s up every morning by 5:30, usually on just four or five hours of sleep, then spending 17, 18 hours a day on 13)scouring media outlets for stories and images.
  “I just love what I do,” he says during a break. “I think it’s so exciting. Celebrities are just so crazy…I love it. They are just so much fun. And I’m all about the fun. That’s one of my mottoes: Just have fun. And if it’s not fun, make it fun. Follow the fun, create the fun, be all about having fun.”
  His take on himself is, “I’m not a celebrity. These days, a celebrity is someone who is famous just for being famous…I’m an entertainer. I’m a worker. I’m a busy bee, 14)dripping honey everywhere.”
  Some say Lavandeira is the 21st century’s version of the American Dream: gaining fame for doing nothing meaningful but simply following the trend of an age when the public are hungry for the 15)nasty 16)underside of Hollywood. Others believe he is among a group of increasingly influential bloggers who are changing the way we get our news about the famous and powerful. With them, today’s secrets are getting harder and harder to keep.
  “They break stories that the 17)dinosaurs in the mainstream media miss,” a Washington Post reporter says. “They come up with fresh and 18)provocative angles, and they hold old media types 19)accountable for their 20)screw-ups. They keep breaking news, and I followed. They have been influential not just on Hollywood issues but on all issues.”
  Lavandeira, on the other hand, doesn’t pretend to be modest.
  “I’m a new phenomenon, a new thing, a new creature…I’m dangerous. I’m not afraid to offend; I’m not afraid to 21)push the envelope.”
  1) fete [feIt] v. 宴请,招待
  2) prop [prɒp] n. 支持
  3) calculating [5kAlkjJleItIN] a.
  4) geeky [5^i:kI] a. 极客的
  5) biting [5baItIN] a. 尖刻的
  6) hook up (非正式)勾搭
  7) hang out 厮混
  8) audacious [C:5deIFEs] a. 大胆的
  9) scribbling [5skrIblIN] n. 乱涂
  10) bias [5baIEs] n. 偏见
  11) vicious [5vIFEs] a. 恶毒的
  12) ethic [5eWIk] n. 道德规范
  13) scour [5skaJE] v. 搜寻
  14) drip [drIp] v. 滴
  15) nasty [5nAstI] a. 丑陋的
  16) underside [5QndEsaId] n. 阴暗面
  17) dinosaur [5daInEsC:] n. 恐龙,喻落伍的人或物
  18) provocative [prE5vɒkEtIv] a. 煽动的,挑衅的
  19) accountable [E5kaJntEbl] a. 有责任的
  20) screw up 搞砸
  21) push the envelope 挑战极限
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