
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyaodefeixiang
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为给流域机构更好地履行水土保持监督执法管理职能提供重要的技术保障,长江委加快了流域水土保持监督管理信息系统的建设步伐,现已初步建成了长江流域水土保持监督管理数据库和管理信息系统,基本实现了监督执法数据实时动态管理、违法案件查处网络流程管理、流域水土保持智能统计管理三大管理目标。建成后的系统从横向看,由综合统计、地理信息发布、建设项目基本情况、水土保持方案管理、检查验收管理、水土保持监测管理以及系统管理等模块构成;从纵向看,系统是一个4层架构体系,包括数据层、应用支撑层、业务层以及表现层。 In order to provide important technical support for river basin agencies to better perform their functions of supervision and law enforcement in soil and water conservation, the Yangtze River Commission has accelerated the pace of construction of the soil and water conservation monitoring and management information system in the basin and has initially completed the construction of the database and management information for soil and water conservation monitoring and management in the Yangtze River Basin System has basically realized the three management objectives of real-time dynamic monitoring and law enforcement data management, network flow management of illegal cases investigation and management, intelligent statistics management of soil and water conservation in the basin. After the completion of the system from a horizontal perspective, by the integrated statistics, geographic information release, the basic conditions of construction projects, soil and water conservation program management, inspection and acceptance management, soil and water conservation monitoring and management and system management modules; from a vertical perspective, the system is a 4 Architecture system, including data layer, application support layer, business layer and presentation layer.
介绍了稠油乳化降黏及筛选适合特定油品的理想稠油乳化降黏剂 (目标活性剂 )的基本原则和方法。综述了稠油乳化降黏用表面活性剂的类型及其常用的非离子型表面活性剂的主要类
以兰州市榆中县境内24 m宽的16台新修梯田为研究对象,分3种情况设置了16个测点,试验分析梯田土壤含水量变化规律。结果表明,坡改梯后沿水平方向土壤含水量呈两边低、中间高的变化趋势;受作物蒸腾、耕作管理、降水量等因素影响,沿垂直方向不同深度土层土壤含水量层间变化分明,自上而下递增;分内侧、中间、外侧3个区位,梯田土壤含水量受"胁边"、"胁坎"效应影响,内侧影响范围小于外侧,中间土壤含水量相对稳定。