
让感动汇聚 让幸福敲门——以大型公益帮助节目《幸福来敲门》为例

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随着经济社会快速发展进步,百姓生活水平显著提高,中国人的幸福指数、幸福观念越来越引起人们的关注,特别是央视推出的热问“你幸福吗?”又将幸福热推到了一个新的高潮。2013年天津卫视继职场服务节目《非你莫属》以及情感服务节目《爱情保卫战》之后,以“幸福”主题开年,推出了大型公益帮助节目《幸福来敲门》,以“公益传播、全民幸福”为主旨,帮助普通人实现幸福心愿。节目中,由社 With the rapid economic and social development and progress, people’s living standards increased significantly, the Chinese people’s happiness index, the concept of happiness more and more cause for concern, especially the launch of CCTV’s hot question “Are you happy?” And happiness hot push To a new climax. In 2013, following the “non-stop” service program of Tianjin Satellite TV and “love war” of the emotional service program, the “Happy” theme kicked off in 2013 with the launch of a large- “Public welfare, universal happiness” as its theme, to help ordinary people realize happiness wish. Program, by clubs
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