Medical History Abstract Patient Male, 58 years old, farmer, married, hospital number 130577. She was hospitalized on January 14, 1982 due to vomiting of tan liquid with tar-like excrement for one day. The patient began to feel sensation of upper abdominal discomfort four days before admission. He was sick with nausea and vomited tan stomach contents on the day before admission and was about 200ml. At the same time, he felt dizziness, fatigue, and cold sweat. Later he resolved the tar. Feces, about 150g. Emergency diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding into the hospital. The patient had been hospitalized twice in the same circumstances before 10 months and 8 months ago. Gastrointestinal barium showed an external curved indentation in the lower esophagus and bottom of the stomach. The tumor was round and located between the fundus and the left eyelid and was 14 cm in diameter. Ultrasound revealed a lump (spleen) under the left iliac crest.