The rapid development of modern industry and over-consumption of petroleum-based polymers have led to the dual crisis of shortage of non-renewable resources and environmental pollution. At the same time, human beings are encouraged to use natural polymer materials to create new green materials. Cellulose, as the most abundant natural polymer raw material in the world today, has drawn much attention due to its strong regenerability, wide range of applications, low cost, good biocompatibility and easy biodegradability. At the same time, as a third generation of airgel material that is gradually emerging after inorganic airgel and hybrid polymer airgel, cellulose airgel has the advantages of high specific surface area, high porosity, Based on the low-density properties, the cellulose materials can be regenerated repeatedly, easily degraded and has good compatibility. In addition, it has good mechanical properties and ductility and has the advantages in thermal insulation, adsorption, catalysis, electromagnetism, biomedicine and other fields A wide range of applications, has become one of the hot spots in the research of new materials. Starting with the dissolution of cellulose and the preparation and modification of cellulose-based aerogels, the latest research results on the performance improvement and functional development of cellulose-based aerogels were introduced. The effects of cellulose-based aerogels in different Field application progress, and prospects of the future development of cellulose-based aerogels.