“中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。”53年前毛主席一首《七绝·为女民兵题照》写出新中国新女性的英姿勃发。而在半个世纪后的当下,新时代的新女性们又在赛车场上抒写着自己的青春。1月8日,在北京怀柔的锐思赛车场,寰球汽车2015年度车测评进入到第二天。冬季凛冽的寒风中,引擎轰鸣、轮胎尖叫的赛道上,绽放着数朵娇艳的花朵,她们是来自A.S Girl女子车队的两位美女车手,将作为寰球汽车传媒测试组的特约专业车手对本次入围的40余款车型进行评测。
“53 years ago, Chairman Mao’s” Seven Musts as a Photo of the Militia "wrote a brilliant new China’s new women. And half a century later, the new women in the new era are again writing their youth on the circuit. January 8, in Beijing Huairou Ruisi Circuit, Global Car 2015 car test into the next day. Winter cold wind, the engine roar, tires screaming track, blooming flowers tender and beautiful, they are from the AS Girl women’s team of two beautiful riders, as the Global Automotive Media Test Team, a dedicated professional driver The finalists of more than 40 models for evaluation.