以壳聚糖为涂膜剂对南果梨进行常温保鲜实验 ,结果表明 ,以 1 .5 %浓度壳聚糖涂膜的南果梨其硬度、Vc含量与新鲜南果梨接近。腐烂率和失重率也非常小。失重率、保鲜效果明显优于对照组。经 1 .5 %浓度壳聚糖涂膜处理的南果梨在常温下可贮存 5 0d以上
Chitosan coating agent for Nanguo pear preservation experiment at room temperature, the results show that the hardness and Vc content of Nanguo pear coated with chitosan at 1.5% concentration is similar to that of fresh Nanguo pear. The rates of spoilage and weight loss are also very small. Weight loss rate, preservation effect was significantly better than the control group. Nanguo pear treated with 1.5% chitosan coating can be stored at room temperature for more than 50 days