由于~(192)Ir源具有使用轻便、透照厚度范围宽、工效高和设备损耗低等优点,而被广泛用于锅炉压力容器及金属构件焊缝的探伤。但是,由于~(192)Ir γ射线线质较X射线硬及能谱特征关系,各国射线探伤标准都对其使用条件作出了诸如最小透照厚度或象质指标附加要求的限制,见表1。又由射线透照理论得知,透照象质还相关于感光材料的特性及透照方式等因素。因此,在射线探伤中,有必要根据实际条件确定符合标准要求的~(192)Ir源照相工艺参数。
Due to its light weight, wide range of transillumination thickness, high work efficiency and low equipment loss, the 192Ir source is widely used in the flaw detection of the weld of boiler pressure vessels and metal components. However, because of the ray intensity of ~ (192) Ir γ-rays compared with the X-ray hardness and energy spectrum characteristics, all the national standards for radiographic testing have made limitations on the conditions of their use such as the minimum transillumination thickness or the additional requirements of the image quality index, as shown in Table 1 . Also by the ray transillumination theory that transillumination quality is also related to the characteristics of photographic materials and transillumination and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the ~ (192) Ir source photographic process parameters that meet the standards according to the actual conditions during the radiographic inspection.