美国休斯飞机公司于1989年10月25日宣布,为LEAP(外层空间轻量型飞行器)研制的世界最小的火箭发动机完成了一系列发射试验。LEAP计划是一项集中了最新技术的拦截技术计划,由美国陆军战略防御司令部通过皮卡特尼兵工厂的武器研究、开发技术中心来实现。 LEAP的开发是由休斯飞机公司导弹系统分公司进行的。长度不到1英寸、重量只有3.5克的小型火箭发动机则由休斯飞机公司的转包公司马夸
The U.S. Hughes Aircraft Corporation announced on October 25, 1989 that a series of launch tests were completed on the world’s smallest rocket engine developed for LEAP (Outer Space Light Aircraft). The LEAP program is an interception technology plan that focuses on the latest technology, implemented by the Army Strategic Defense Command through the Weapons Research and Development Technology Center at Picartney Armory. LEAP was developed by Hughes Aircraft Company Missile Systems Division. Less than 1 inch in length and weighs only 3.5 grams of small rocket engine by the Hughes Aircraft Corporation Subcontracting Marquau