苎麻为我国重要的经济作物,广泛应用于渔具、电工等方面。更由于苎麻纤维的强度远超过棉、毛等,因此近年来苎麻与棉、毛及化纤作混纺织物逐渐为人们所重视。苎麻多种植在丘陵地带,不与良田争地。我省台州地区为苎麻主产区,但它在我省的种植面积历来不大,因此对它的栽培方法、品种,特别是肩害没有得到应有的重视,缺乏研究。 1985年我们从二麻期开始,对竺麻老产区的病害进行了初步调查,在天台县发现一种严重影响
Ramie is an important economic crop in China, widely used in fishing gear, electrician and so on. More because the strength of ramie fiber far more than cotton, wool, etc., in recent years ramie and cotton, wool and chemical fiber for the blended fabric gradually people pay attention. Ramie more planted in the hilly areas, not compete with fertile fields. The Taizhou area in our province is the main producing area of ramie, but its planting area in our province has never been large. Therefore, it has not got the due attention and lack of research on its cultivation methods, varieties, especially shoulder and shoulders. In 1985, starting from the second trimester, we conducted a preliminary investigation of the diseases in the old areas of Zhuma and found a serious impact in Tiantai County