镀锡薄钢板由于高强度、高阻隔性及优越的加工使用性能,在食品包装材料中占有非常重要的地位,当内容物腐蚀性较强时,其缺点之一是会发生腐蚀失效.本文综述了食品环境中镀锡薄钢板的腐蚀行为,探讨了食品包装用镀锡薄钢板和有机涂层涂覆的镀锡薄钢板的腐蚀机理.镀锡薄钢板的腐蚀过程与内容物pH值、溶解氧含量以及腐蚀性离子种类密切相关.可为镀锡薄钢板采取合适的表面处理措施以及设计新型有机涂层材料提供科学依据.“,”Tinned steel sheet is one of the most frequently used metal packaging materials for food industry,due to its high strength,good barrier property,and excellent processing performance.However,one shortcoming related with the application of tinned steel sheet is the trouble of corrosion,peculiarly when the stored food is highly corrosive.Therefore,the corrosion behavior of tinned steel in food environment as well as the relevant corrosion mechanism of the bare-and lacquered-tinned steel are introduced and discussed in the paper.It seems that the corrosion process was closely linked to pH value,dissolved oxygen and some corrosive ions in the food-containing electrolyte.It is noted that new surface treatment methods and new organic coatings for the tinned steel sheet are needed to develop.Finally,the future work on this topic is also pointed out.