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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are considered non-hematopoietic multipotent stem cells with self-renewal properties and the ability to differentiate into a variet
An additional morphological criterion is presented to distinguish vegetative samples of the genera Yendonia and Mikamiella (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta). The und
The purpose of the work was to assess the combined effect of drought and salinity (50, 100, 200 mМ NaCl) on the meso- and ultrastructure of mesophyll cells of
春天.我把海子叫醒 黎明或者黄昏 我相信 春天,不止有十个海子 让该复活的一切复活 让黑夜在篝火边歌唱
Common additives in plastics such as bisphenol A (BPA) or phthalates like di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) are environmental estrogens that have been shown to
Mesenchymal stromal cells(MSC)have shown their benefits in graft-versus-host disease(GVHD), with five unsettled matters: 1) MSCs expansion in medium with Fetal
在新一期的《钟山》杂志上,刊登出了1979~2009三十年十大诗人的评选结果,北岛获得全票,其他入选诗人依次是:西川、于坚、翟永明、昌耀、海子、欧阳江河、杨炼、王小妮、多多。此外,洛夫、食指、张枣、舒婷、顾城、艾青、王家新、牛汉等诗人的名字也都出现在了选票上。  《钟山》杂志执行主编贾梦玮介绍说,在评选时,唯一的标准是文学,其他因素皆不在考虑范围内。从征集评委开始,过程就是透明的,在保证评委专业素