1995年12月27日在北京梅地亚宾馆举行了41集电视连续剧《水浒传》的开机仪式。 广电部副部长兼中央电视台台长杨伟光、中国电视剧制作中心副主任陈汉元以及《水浒传》主创人员和专家、学者、记者百余人出席仪式。 杨副部长传达了孙家正部长对拍摄《水浒传》的关心、希望和感谢;要求剧组拍片精益求精。他还指出,为弘扬中华传统文化,除正在拍摄150集的专题片《中华文明之光》外,还要用电视剧形式再现古典
On December 27, 1995, the power-on ceremony of 41 episodes of the series “Outlaws of the Marsh” was held in the Beijing Meadia Hotel. Yang Weiguang, vice minister of Radio and Television Department and director of CCTV, Chen Hanyuan, deputy director of Chinese TV drama production center, and more than 100 prominent members, experts, scholars and reporters from Outlaws of the Marsh attended the ceremony. Vice Minister Yang conveyed the concern, hope and gratitude of Minister Sun Jiazheng for filming the Water Margin; demanding that the film crew keep improving. He also pointed out that in order to promote traditional Chinese culture, in addition to being filming a feature film of 150 episodes entitled “Light of Chinese Civilization,” classical drama should also be reproduced in the form of a TV series