银川永宁黄河公路大桥是中铁十六局集团首个大型控股BOT项目,线路全长5.6km,桥梁全长3743.37m,由引桥、副桥和主桥组成,按双向6车道设计。水急、风大、深桩、大体积承台、高墩、大跨、斜拉索、50m T梁是项目施工的重难点,汛期防冲刷、凌期防冰凌,栈桥、钻孔平台、钢板桩围堰施工,索塔、主梁高空作业,50m T梁运架是项目安全控制的重点。工程项目2013年10月21日开工,合同工期36
Yinchuan Yongning Yellow River Highway Bridge is the first large controlled BOT project of China Railway 16th Bureau Group. The total length of the line is 5.6km. The total length of the bridge is 3743.37m, which is composed of the approach bridge, the auxiliary bridge and the main bridge. Water emergency, windy, deep piles, large cap, high pier, long span, stay cable, 50m T beam is the construction of the heavy and difficult point, the flood-proof anti-ice Ling Ling, trestle, drilling platform, Pile cofferdam construction, pylon, main girder work at height, 50m T-beam transport is the focus of project safety control. Project started on October 21, 2013, contract duration 36