位于上海的医疗器械企业安翰医疗正与IBM一起应用人工智能技术摸索消化道疾病早期精准筛查的可行性。不能普及的消化道筛查根据世界卫生组织的数据,中国是胃癌第一大国,每年新发胃癌68万人,占到全球总数的40%;死亡50万人,几乎每分钟都有人因胃癌离世。而根据英国癌症研究中心(Cancer Research UK)研究表明,四期胃癌的5年存
AnHe Medical, a Shanghai-based medical device company, is working with IBM to apply artificial intelligence techniques to explore the feasibility of early accurate screening of digestive diseases. Unpopular Gastrointestinal Screening According to the World Health Organization, China is the largest country in stomach cancer, with 68 million new stomach cancers each year, accounting for 40% of the global total; 500,000 deaths and almost every minute of death due to stomach cancer . According to a study by the Cancer Research UK, five-year survivors of stage IV gastric cancer