The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm, Sweden on October 10 that it awarded half of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the grant to American scientist William Knowles and Japanese scientist Norio Yoshihide in recognition of their commitment to “chiral catalytic hydrogenation” ; The other half of the prize was awarded to American scientist Barry Sharples in recognition of his achievements in the field of “chiral catalytic oxidation”. Many molecules have two forms. The two forms are mirror images of each other. They can be compared to the left hand and the right hand of an adult, so they are called “chiral molecules” or “chiral molecules.” In the natural state, one of the mirror images usually dominates. Chiral molecules have two forms, there are often differences in toxicity and so on. In human cells, one form of a chiral molecule may be suitable, but the other may be harmful.